Come visit Stone Quartz’s Head Quarters

Stone Quartz is dedicated to making your dream home a reality as easily as possible. This is why we only distribute our products through the best fabricators in the Greater Toronto Area. How do we know that they’re the best? Throughout our 35+ years’ experience, we have learned the effects that craftmanship can have on slabs. What makes a good fabricator is a company that truly understands the products that they are cutting and installing. It doesn’t take much to template an area, but it does take a lot to know exactly how the product will look at the end of the job, before even cutting it. This is why it is so important to pick the right fabricator for the job. 


Stone Quartz’s Certified Fabricators have been educated by a Stone Quartz Stone Specialist on how to properly cut and install all of Stone Quartz’s products. Our fabricators have also been educated on where Stone Quartz products are most commonly used so that they can keep up with shifting trends. 

Our Certified Fabricators have samples of all Stone Quartz products, and a desire to make your dream home a reality.


Stone Quartz boasts two showrooms that display all of our full-sized slabs, our headquarters in Concord, and at Marble Granite Depot Inc. in Toronto. Our headquarters at 20 Caldari Road, Unit 2a, Concord, ON L4K 4N8 is under renovations and will be open to the public in November 2021. However, our showroom at Marble Granite Depot Inc. (29 Dufflaw Road, North York, ON M6A 2W2) is finished and open to the public!

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